Invitation to families of First Holy Communion children to participate in a special family prayer moment on Corpus Christi Sunday, 14th June
Corpus Christi – Moment for 1st Communion Children & Parents
14 June 2020
The following prayers can be downloaded here >>
Preliminary notes:
Children who are preparing to receive First Holy Communion and their parents are invited to participate in a live-streamed Mass celebrated by Bishop Brendan in St John’s Cathedral on Corpus Christi Sunday, 14 June 2020 (or by their local priest, in parishes where live-streaming is possible).
Recognizing that celebrations of First Holy Communion have been postponed, Corpus Christi is a fitting occasion to draw parents and children together with Bishop Brendan/their local priest in order to pray, to further the children’s preparation for Holy Communion, and to call to mind the gift that they received in baptism, being a son or daughter of the Father, a co-heir with Christ, a temple of the Holy Spirit.
Parents are asked to participate from home in the live-streamed Mass with their child.
After the Homily Bishop Brendan/priest will invite children who are preparing for First Holy Communion and parents to participate in a moment of prayer in anticipation of their Holy Communion.
Bishop/priest: Parents and guardians, it might not seem like eight years ago since you brought your child to the church to be baptised. On that day, you chose a life of faith for them, and they were anointed with sacred chrism, claimed as a son or daughter of God. I now invite you to exercise your spiritual authority to renew that gift and to call down grace upon your child, preparing to receive Jesus in the sacrament of the Eucharist.
Bishop/priest: Parents and guardians, please light your child’s baptismal candle and hand it to them, saying
N., you are a son / daughter of light.
[Now place the candle somewhere safe while this simple ceremony proceeds].
Please face your child and repeat after me, tracing the Sign of the Cross upon them with each statement:
Trace the Sign of the Cross upon their forehead saying:
N., you are a beloved son / daughter of the Father (repeat)
Trace the Sign of the Cross upon their heart saying:
May your heart always be a place where Christ is welcome (repeat)
Trace the Sign of the Cross upon their ears saying:
May you hear the Word of God and keep it (repeat)
Trace the Sign of the Cross upon their mouth saying:
May your words share the peace and joy of the Lord (repeat)
Trace the Sign of the Cross upon their hands saying:
May the Holy Spirit inspire you to share his own love with others (repeat)
Bishop/priest: Children preparing to receive Jesus in Holy Communion, remember what your parents have said: You are a child of God, and your prayers are always heard. Pray each day as you look forward to receiving Holy Communion, that you may welcome Jesus into your heart with great joy and love.
May God bless your mind to think of others,
Your ears to listen to sisters and brothers,
Your eyes to see with compassion and love,
Your mouth to speak with words from above,
Your heart to be tender, caring and kind,
Your hands to give, to hold, to mind.
Your feet to create trails of endless light,
God to love you dearly and hold you tight,
Your body is precious, God abides in you,
You’re the body Christ and our beloved too.
+ I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
All: Amen.
[Make sure to extinguish the candle]
The above prayers can be downloaded here >>